Source code for pygeopressure.basic.survey_setting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A survey setting class

Created on Sat Jan 20 2018
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

from builtins import range

import math

import numpy as np

from . import Path

__author__ = "Yu Hao"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2018 Yu Hao"

[docs]class SurveySetting(object): """ class to hold survey settings and compute additional coordination property """ def __init__(self, threepoints): self.threepoints = threepoints self.startInline = threepoints.startInline self.endInline = threepoints.endInline self.stepInline = threepoints.stepInline self.startCrline = threepoints.startCrline self.endCrline = threepoints.endCrline self.stepCrline = threepoints.stepCrline self.startDepth = threepoints.startDepth self.endDepth = threepoints.endDepth self.stepDepth = threepoints.stepDepth self.zType = threepoints.zType self.inline_A = threepoints.inline_A self.crline_A = threepoints.crline_A self.east_A = threepoints.east_A self.north_A = threepoints.north_A self.inline_B = threepoints.inline_B self.crline_B = threepoints.crline_B self.east_B = threepoints.east_B self.north_B = threepoints.north_B self.inline_C = threepoints.inline_C self.crline_C = threepoints.crline_C self.east_C = threepoints.east_C self.north_C = threepoints.north_C #-------------------- self.inline_bin = None self.crline_bin = None self.area = None self.invertedAxis = None self.azimuth = None # if file is not None: # self._read_from_file(file_path) self._bin_size() self._basic() self._coordinate_conversion() self.azimuth_and_invertedAxis() def _basic(self): self.nEast = (self.endInline - self.startInline) // \ self.stepInline + 1 self.nNorth = (self.endCrline - self.startCrline) // \ self.stepCrline + 1 self.stepEast = math.sqrt( (self.north_C - self.north_B)**2 + (self.east_C - self.east_B)**2) / \ ((self.inline_C - self.inline_B) / self.stepInline) self.stepNorth = math.sqrt( (self.north_B - self.north_A)**2 + (self.east_B - self.east_A)**2) / \ ((self.crline_B - self.crline_A) / self.stepCrline) self.nDepth = (self.endDepth - self.startDepth) // \ self.stepDepth + 1
[docs] @staticmethod def angle(x, y): """ Return angle from 0 to pi x : tuple y : tuple """ dx = x[1] - x[0] dy = y[1] - y[1] arctan = math.atan(dy / dx) if dx > 0 and dy > 0: angle = arctan elif dx > 0 and dy < 0: angle = 2 * math.pi + arctan elif dx < 0 and dy > 0: angle = math.pi + arctan elif dx < 0 and dy < 0: angle = math.pi + arctan return angle
def _bin_size(self): dist_ab = np.sqrt((self.north_B - self.north_A) *\ (self.north_B - self.north_A) + \ (self.east_B - self.east_A) * \ (self.east_B - self.east_A)) dist_bc = np.sqrt((self.north_C - self.north_B) *\ (self.north_C - self.north_B) + \ (self.east_C - self.east_B) * \ (self.east_C - self.east_B)) self.crline_bin = np.round(dist_ab / (self.crline_B - self.crline_A), decimals=2) self.inline_bin = np.round(dist_bc / (self.inline_C - self.inline_B), decimals=2) self.area = np.round( self.inline_bin * (self.endInline - self.startInline) * \ self.crline_bin * (self.endCrline - self.startCrline) * 10**(-6), decimals=2) def _coordinate_conversion(self): """" calculate coefficients for line/coordination conversion """ self.gamma_x = (self.east_B - self.east_A) / \ (self.crline_B - self.crline_A) self.beta_x = (self.east_C - self.east_B) / \ (self.inline_C - self.inline_B) self.alpha_x = self.east_A - \ self.beta_x * self.inline_A - \ self.gamma_x * self.crline_A self.gamma_y = (self.north_B - self.north_A) / \ (self.crline_B - self.crline_A) self.beta_y = (self.north_C - self.north_B) / \ (self.inline_C - self.inline_B) self.alpha_y = self.north_A - \ self.beta_y * self.inline_A - \ self.gamma_y * self.crline_A
[docs] def line_2_coord(self, inline, crline): x = self.alpha_x + self.beta_x * inline + self.gamma_x * crline y = self.alpha_y + self.beta_y * inline + self.gamma_y * crline return (x, y)
[docs] def coord_2_line(self, coordinate): x = coordinate[0] y = coordinate[1] d = np.matrix([[x - self.alpha_x], [y - self.alpha_y]]) G = np.matrix([[self.beta_x, self.gamma_x], [self.beta_y, self.gamma_y]]) m = G.I * d # m = m.astype(int) inline, crline = m[0][0], m[1][0] param_in = (inline - self.startInline) // self.stepInline + \ ((inline - self.startInline) % self.stepInline) // \ (self.stepInline / 2) inline = self.startInline + self.stepInline * param_in param_cr = (crline - self.startCrline) // self.stepCrline + \ ((inline - self.startCrline) % self.stepCrline) // \ (self.stepCrline) crline = self.startCrline + self.stepCrline * param_cr return (inline, crline)
[docs] def azimuth_and_invertedAxis(self): """ Determine azimuth (Crossline axis direction from Coordination North) and Inline axis is positive to the right (invertedAxis=False) or to the left (invertedAxis=True) """ self.inclination = 0 # radius b_a_north = self.north_B - self.north_A b_a_east = self.east_B - self.east_A c_b_east = self.east_C - self.east_B c_b_north = self.north_C - self.north_B # crline axis in quadrant I if b_a_north > 0 and b_a_east > 0: self.azimuth = math.atan(b_a_east / b_a_north) if c_b_east > 0: self.invertedAxis = False else: self.invertedAxis = True # crline axis in quadrant IV elif b_a_north < 0 and b_a_east > 0: self.azimuth = -math.atan(b_a_east / (-b_a_north)) + math.pi if c_b_east > 0: self.invertedAxis = True else: self.invertedAxis = False # crline axis in quadrant II elif b_a_north > 0 and b_a_east < 0: self.azimuth = -math.atan(-b_a_east / b_a_north) + 2 * math.pi if c_b_east > 0: self.invertedAxis = False else: self.invertedAxis = True # crline axis in quadrant III elif b_a_north < 0 and b_a_east < 0: self.azimuth = math.atan(b_a_east / (-b_a_north)) + math.pi if c_b_east > 0: self.invertedAxis = True else: self.invertedAxis = False # crline axis on positive x elif b_a_north == 0 and b_a_east > 0: self.azimuth = 0.5 * math.pi if c_b_north > 0: self.invertedAxis = True else: self.invertedAxis = False # crline axis on negtive x elif b_a_north == 0 and b_a_east < 0: self.azimuth = 1.5 * math.pi if c_b_north < 0: self.invertedAxis = True else: self.invertedAxis = False # crline axis on positive y elif b_a_north > 0 and b_a_east == 0: self.azimuth = 0 if c_b_east < 0: self.invertedAxis = True else: self.invertedAxis = False # crline axis on negative y elif b_a_north < 0 and b_a_east == 0: self.azimuth = math.pi if c_b_east > 0: self.invertedAxis = True else: self.invertedAxis = False self.azimuth = self.azimuth / math.pi * 180 # turn into degree
[docs] def four_corner_on_canvas(self, canvas_width, canvas_height, scale_factor=0.8): """ get the coordinaiton of four corners of survey area on canvas """ # get four corner xy coordination inlines = np.array([self.startInline, self.startInline, self.endInline, self.endInline]) crlines = np.array([self.startCrline, self.endCrline, self.endCrline, self.startCrline]) x_coord, y_coord = self.line_2_coord(inlines, crlines) # find the minimum and maximum value of x and y x_sorted = np.sort(x_coord) y_sorted = np.sort(y_coord) x_min = x_sorted[0] x_max = x_sorted[-1] y_min = y_sorted[0] y_max = y_sorted[-1] # shift x y to zero x_coord = x_coord - x_min y_coord = y_coord - y_min # find the longer one in width and height width = x_max - x_min height = y_max - y_min max_dimen = max(width, height) # calculate shift value shift_x = canvas_width * (1-scale_factor)/2 shift_y = canvas_height * (1-scale_factor)/2 # shrink canvas_width *= scale_factor canvas_height *= scale_factor canvas_min_dimen = min(canvas_width, canvas_height) to_canvas_ratio = canvas_min_dimen / max_dimen x_coord = x_coord * to_canvas_ratio y_coord = y_coord * to_canvas_ratio # mirror y because origin of canvas is the upper left corner y_coord = canvas_height - y_coord # shift x_coord += shift_x y_coord += shift_y return x_coord, y_coord
[docs] def draw_survey_line(self, ax): func = self.line_2_coord min_inline = self.startInline max_inline = self.endInline step_inline = self.stepInline if min_inline > max_inline: min_inline, max_inline = max_inline, min_inline step_inline = -step_inline min_crline = self.startCrline max_crline = self.endCrline step_crline = self.stepCrline if min_crline > max_crline: min_crline, max_crline = max_crline, min_crline step_crline = -step_crline for inl in range(min_inline, max_inline, step_inline): x_1, y_1 = func(inl, max_crline) x_2, y_2 = func(inl, min_crline) ax.plot([x_1, x_2], [y_1, y_2], 'r', alpha=0.5, linewidth=0.1) for crl in range(min_crline, max_crline, step_crline): x_1, y_1 = func(min_inline, crl) x_2, y_2 = func(max_inline, crl) ax.plot([x_1, x_2], [y_1, y_2], 'r', alpha=0.5, linewidth=0.1) ax.set(xlabel="X (Longitude)", ylabel="Y (Latitude)") x, y = func(min_inline, min_crline) ax.text(x, y, "{}/{}".format(min_inline, min_crline), color='blue') x, y = func(min_inline, max_crline) ax.text(x, y, "{}/{}".format(min_inline, max_crline), color='blue') x, y = func(max_inline, max_crline) ax.text(x, y, "{}/{}".format(max_inline, max_crline), color='blue') x, y = func(max_inline, min_crline) ax.text(x, y, "{}/{}".format(max_inline, min_crline), color='blue')