Source code for pygeopressure.basic.seisegy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class for interfacing with segy file.

Created on Feb. 7th 2018
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

__author__ = "yuhao"

from builtins import range, open
import json
from shutil import copyfile
from itertools import product
from future.utils import native
import segyio

from .utils import  methdispatch
from .vawt import wiggles, img
from .indexes import InlineIndex, CrlineIndex, DepthIndex, CdpIndex
from .survey_setting import SurveySetting
from .threepoints import ThreePoints

from . import Path

[docs]class SeiSEGY(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, segy_file, like=None): """ Parameters ---------- segy_file : str segy file path like : str, optional created segy file has the same dimesions as like. """ self.segy_file = segy_file self.inDepth = False # True if dataset Z is in Depth self.property_type = None if like is not None: if Path(native(like)).exists() and not Path(native(self.segy_file)).exists(): copyfile(src=like, dst=self.segy_file) if Path(native(self.segy_file)).exists(): self._parse_segy() else: raise Exception("File does not exist!")
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_file, segy_file=None): """ Initialize SeiSEGY from an json file containing information Parameters ---------- json_file : str json file path segy_file : str segy file path for overriding information in json file. """ with open(json_file, 'r') as fl: json_object = json.load(fl) segy = json_object["path"] inDepth = json_object["inDepth"] property_type = json_object["Property_Type"] if segy_file: segy = segy_file instance = cls(native(segy)) instance.inDepth = inDepth instance.property_type = property_type return instance
def __str__(self): return "SeiSEGY(inl[{},{},{}];crl[{},{},{}];z[{},{},{}])".format( self.startInline, self.endInline, self.stepInline, self.startCrline, self.endCrline, self.stepCrline, self.startDepth, self.endDepth, self.stepDepth) def _parse_segy(self): with, 'r') as segyfile: segyfile.mmap() self.startInline = segyfile.ilines[0] self.endInline = segyfile.ilines[-1] self.nEast = len(segyfile.ilines) self.stepInline = (self.endInline - self.startInline) // \ (self.nEast - 1) self.startCrline = segyfile.xlines[0] self.endCrline = segyfile.xlines[-1] self.nNorth = len(segyfile.xlines) self.stepCrline = (self.endCrline - self.startCrline) // \ (self.nNorth - 1) self.startDepth = segyfile.samples[0] self.endDepth = segyfile.samples[-1] self.nDepth = len(segyfile.samples) self.stepDepth = (self.endDepth - self.startDepth) // \ (self.nDepth - 1) inline_A = self.startInline crline_A = self.startCrline index_A = 0 x_A = segyfile.header[index_A][] y_A = segyfile.header[index_A][] inline_B = inline_A crline_B = self.startCrline + 2 * self.stepCrline index_B = 2 x_B = segyfile.header[index_B][] y_B = segyfile.header[index_B][] inline_C = self.startInline + 2 * self.stepInline crline_C = crline_B index_C = 2 * self.nNorth + 2 x_C = segyfile.header[index_C][] y_C = segyfile.header[index_C][] setting_dict = { "inline_range": [ self.startInline, self.endInline, self.stepInline], "crline_range": [ self.startCrline, self.endCrline, self.stepCrline], "z_range": [ self.startDepth, self.endDepth, self.stepDepth, "unknown"], "point_A": [inline_A, crline_A, x_A, y_A], "point_B": [inline_B, crline_B, x_B, y_B], "point_C": [inline_C, crline_C, x_C, y_C] } self.survey_setting = SurveySetting(ThreePoints(setting_dict))
[docs] def inlines(self): """ Iterator for inline numbers Yields ------ int inline number """ for inline in range(self.startInline, self.endInline+1, self.stepInline): yield inline
[docs] def crlines(self): """ Iterator for crline numbers Yields ------ int cross-line number """ for crline in range(self.startCrline, self.endCrline+1, self.stepCrline): yield crline
[docs] def inline_crlines(self): """ Iterator for both inline and crline numbers Yields ------ tuple of int (inline number, crossline number) """ for inline, crline in product( range(self.startInline, self.endInline+1, self.stepInline), range(self.startCrline, self.endCrline+1, self.stepCrline)): yield (inline, crline)
[docs] def depths(self): """ Iterator for z coordinate Yields ------ float depth value """ for i in range(self.nDepth): yield self.startDepth + i * self.stepDepth
[docs] def inline(self, inline): "data of a inline section" with, 'r') as segyfile: segyfile.mmap() data = segyfile.iline[inline] return data
[docs] def crline(self, crline): "data of a crossline section" with, 'r') as segyfile: segyfile.mmap() data = segyfile.xline[crline] return data
[docs] def depth(self, depth): "data of a depth slice" depth_idx = int((depth - self.startDepth) // self.stepDepth) with, 'r') as segyfile: segyfile.mmap() data = segyfile.depth_slice[depth_idx] return data
[docs] def cdp(self, cdp): "data of a cdp" with, 'r') as segyfile: segyfile.mmap() data = segyfile.gather[cdp] data = data.reshape((data.shape[-1],)) return data
[docs] @methdispatch def data(self, indexes): """ Retrieve Data according to the index provided. Parameters ---------- indexes : {InlineIndex, CrlineIndex, DepthIndex, CdpIndex} index of data to retrieve Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ raise TypeError("Unsupported Type")
@data.register(InlineIndex) def _(self, indexes): """ data of a Inline section Paramaters ---------- indexes : InlineIndex Returns ------- out : 2-d ndarray of size nCrline * nDepth """ return self.inline(indexes.value) @data.register(CrlineIndex) def _(self, indexes): """ data of a Crossline section Paramaters ---------- indexes : CrlineIndex Returns ------- out : 2-d ndarray of size nInline * nDepth """ return self.crline(indexes.value) @data.register(DepthIndex) def _(self, indexes): """ data of a depth slice Paramaters ---------- indexes : DepthIndex Returns ------- out : 2-d ndarray of size nInline * nCrline """ return self.depth(indexes.value) @data.register(CdpIndex) def _(self, indexes): """ data of a cdp Paramaters ---------- indexes : CdpIndex Returns ------- out : 1-d ndarray of length nDepth """ return self.cdp(indexes.value)
[docs] def update(self, index, data): """ Update data with ndarray Parameters ---------- index : InlineIndex data : 2-d ndarray data for updating Inline """ try: if not isinstance(index, InlineIndex): raise TypeError("has to be InlineIndex") if data.shape != (self.nNorth, self.nDepth): raise ValueError with, 'r+') as segyfile: segyfile.mmap() segyfile.iline[index.value] = data except Exception as er: print(er.message)
[docs] @methdispatch def plot(self, index, ax, kind='vawt', cm='seismic', ptype='seis'): """ Plot seismic section according to index provided. Parameters ---------- index : {InlineIndex, CrlineIndex, DepthIndex, CdpIndex} index of data to plot ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot axis to plot on kind : {'vawt', 'img'} 'vawt' for variable area wiggle trace plot 'img' for variable density plot cm : str colormap for plotting ptype : str, optional property type Returns ------- matplotlib.image.AxesImage """ raise TypeError('Unsupported index type')
@plot.register(InlineIndex) def _(self, index, ax, kind='vawt', cm='seismic', ptype='seis'): data = handle = None if kind == 'vawt': wiggles(data.T, wiggleInterval=1, ax=ax) elif kind == 'img': handle = img(data.T, extent=[ self.startCrline, self.endCrline, self.startDepth, self.endDepth], ax=ax, cm=cm, ptype=ptype) ax.invert_yaxis() else: pass ax.get_figure().suptitle('In-line Section: {}'.format(index.value)) from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText z_text = AnchoredText( r"$\downarrow$Z", loc=2, prop=dict(size=10), frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.), bbox_transform=ax.transAxes) ax.add_artist(z_text) inline_text = AnchoredText( r"Cross-line $\rightarrow$ ", loc=1, prop=dict(size=10), frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1., 0.), bbox_transform=ax.transAxes) ax.add_artist(inline_text) return handle @plot.register(CrlineIndex) def _(self, index, ax, kind='vawt', cm='seismic', ptype='seis'): data = handle = None if kind == 'vawt': wiggles(data.T, wiggleInterval=1, ax=ax) elif kind == 'img': handle = img(data.T, extent=[ self.startInline, self.endInline, self.startDepth, self.endDepth], ax=ax, cm=cm, ptype=ptype) ax.invert_yaxis() else: pass ax.get_figure().suptitle('Cross-line Section: {}'.format(index.value)) from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText z_text = AnchoredText( r"$\downarrow$Z", loc=2, prop=dict(size=10), frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.), bbox_transform=ax.transAxes) ax.add_artist(z_text) inline_text = AnchoredText( r"In-line $\rightarrow$ ", loc=1, prop=dict(size=10), frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1., 0.), bbox_transform=ax.transAxes) ax.add_artist(inline_text) return handle @plot.register(DepthIndex) def _(self, index, ax, kind='vawt', cm='seismic', ptype='seis'): data = handle = None if kind == 'vawt': wiggles(data.T, wiggleInterval=1, ax=ax) elif kind == 'img': handle = img(data.T, extent=[ self.startInline, self.endInline, self.startCrline, self.endCrline,], ax=ax, cm=cm, ptype=ptype) ax.invert_yaxis() else: pass ax.get_figure().suptitle("Z slice: {}".format(index.value)) from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText z_text = AnchoredText( r"$\downarrow$Cross-line", loc=2, prop=dict(size=10), frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.), bbox_transform=ax.transAxes) ax.add_artist(z_text) inline_text = AnchoredText( r"In-line $\rightarrow$ ", loc=1, prop=dict(size=10), frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1., 0.), bbox_transform=ax.transAxes) ax.add_artist(inline_text) return handle
[docs] def valid_cdp(self, cdp_num): "Return valid CDP numbers nearest to cdp_num" inl_num, crl_num = cdp_num n_inline = (inl_num - self.startInline) // self.stepInline in_plus_one = round(((inl_num - self.startInline) % self.stepInline) / \ self.stepInline) inline = self.startInline + (n_inline + in_plus_one) * self.stepInline n_crline = (crl_num - self.startCrline) // self.stepCrline cr_plus_one = round(((crl_num - self.startCrline) % self.stepCrline) / \ self.stepCrline) crline = self.startCrline + (n_crline + cr_plus_one) * self.stepCrline return (inline, crline)