Source code for pygeopressure.basic.log_tools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
well log processing tools

Created on Sep 19 2018
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

__author__ = "yuhao"

from builtins import range, open
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt

from pygeopressure.velocity.smoothing import smooth

from pygeopressure.pressure.obp import traugott_trend
from pygeopressure.basic.well_log import Log

[docs]def extrapolate_log_traugott(den_log, a, b, kb=0, wd=0): """ Extrapolate density log using Traugott equation """ density_trend = traugott_trend( np.array(den_log.depth), a, b, kb=kb, wd=wd) extra_log = Log() = + "_ex" extra_log.units = den_log.units extra_log.descr = "Density_extra" extra_log.depth = np.array(den_log.depth) new_data = np.full_like(density_trend, np.nan) new_data[:den_log.start_idx] = density_trend[:den_log.start_idx] old_data = np.array( new_data[den_log.start_idx:] = old_data[den_log.start_idx:] = new_data return extra_log
[docs]def rolling_window(a, window): a = np.array(a) shape = a.shape[:-1] + (a.shape[-1] - window + 1, window) strides = a.strides + (a.strides[-1],) rolled = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( a, shape=shape, strides=strides) return rolled
[docs]def despike(curve, curve_sm, max_clip): spikes = np.where(curve - curve_sm > max_clip)[0] spukes = np.where(curve_sm - curve > max_clip)[0] out = np.copy(curve) out[spikes] = curve_sm[spikes] + max_clip out[spukes] = curve_sm[spukes] - max_clip return out
[docs]def smooth_log(log, window=1500): """ Parameters ---------- log : Log object log to smooth window : scalar window size of the median filter Returns ------- smoothed log : Log object smoothed log """ data = np.array( depth = np.array(log.depth) mask = np.isfinite(data) func = interp1d(depth[mask], data[mask]) interp_data = func(depth[log.start_idx: log.stop_idx]) new_data = np.array(data) new_data[log.start_idx: log.stop_idx] = interp_data smoothed = smooth(new_data[log.start_idx: log.stop_idx], window_len=window//2, window='flat') # using half the window length in order to be consistent with opendtect smooth_data = np.array(data) smooth_data[log.start_idx: log.stop_idx] = smoothed log_smooth = Log() = + "_sm" log_smooth.units = log.units log_smooth.descr = log.descr log_smooth.depth = log.depth = smooth_data return log_smooth
[docs]def upscale_log(log, freq=20): """ downscale a well log with a lowpass butterworth filter """ depth = np.array(log.depth) data = np.array( mask = np.isfinite(data) func = interp1d(depth[mask], data[mask]) interp_data = func(depth[log.start_idx: log.stop_idx]) nyq = 10000 / 2 dw = freq / nyq b, a = butter(4, dw, btype='low', analog=False) filtered = filtfilt(b, a, interp_data, method='gust') downscale_data = np.array(data) downscale_data[log.start_idx: log.stop_idx] = filtered log_downscale = Log() = + "_downscale_" + str(freq) log_downscale.units = log.units log_downscale.descr = log.descr log_downscale.depth = log.depth = downscale_data return log_downscale
[docs]def truncate_log(log, top, bottom): """ Remove unreliable values in the top and bottom section of well log Parameters ---------- log : Log object top, bottom : scalar depth value Returns ------- trunc_log : Log object """ depth = np.array(log.depth) data = np.array( if top != 0: mask = depth < top data[mask] = np.nan if bottom != 0: mask = depth > bottom data[mask] = np.nan trunc_log = Log() = + '_trunc' trunc_log.units = log.units trunc_log.descr = log.descr trunc_log.depth = depth = data return trunc_log
[docs]def shale(log, vsh_log, thresh=0.35): """ Discern shale intervals log : Log log to discern vsh_log : Log shale volume log thresh : scalar percentage threshold, 0 < thresh < 1 """ shale_mask = np.isfinite(vsh_log.depth) shale_mask[vsh_log.start_idx: vsh_log.stop_idx] = True mask_thresh = np.array( < thresh mask = shale_mask * mask_thresh data = np.array( data[mask] = np.nan log_sh = Log() = + "_sh" log_sh.units = log.units log_sh.descr = log.descr log_sh.depth = log.depth = data return log_sh
[docs]def interpolate_log(log): """ Log curve interpolation """ depth = np.array(log.depth) data = np.array( mask = np.isfinite(data) func = interp1d(depth[mask], data[mask]) interp_data = func(depth[log.start_idx: log.stop_idx]) data[log.start_idx: log.stop_idx] = interp_data interp_log = Log() = + '_interp' interp_log.units = log.units interp_log.descr = log.descr interp_log.depth = depth = data return interp_log
[docs]def local_average(log, rad=10): """upscale data using local averaging Parameters ---------- data : Log() log data to be upscaled rad : int local radius, data within this radius will be represented by a single value Returns ------- new_log : Log() upscaled log data """ data = np.array( mask = np.isfinite(data) index = np.where(mask) start = index[0][0] end = index[0][-1]+1 interval = data[start: end] index_toadd = [] data_toadd = [] step = rad*2+1 n = len(interval) for i in range(0, n, step): seg = interval[i: i+step] new_mask = np.isfinite(seg) if len(seg[new_mask]) > rad+1: data_toadd.append(np.mean(seg[new_mask])) index_toadd.append(start+i+rad) data_toadd, index_toadd = np.array(data_toadd), np.array(index_toadd) new_data = np.full_like(data, np.nan) new_data[index_toadd] = data_toadd new_log = Log() new_log.depth = log.depth = new_data return new_log
[docs]def write_peudo_las(file_name, logs): """ Write multiple logs to a pseudo las file. """ try: with open(file_name, 'w') as fout: description = ["Depth(m)"] for log in logs: split_list = log.descr.split(' ') description.append('_'.join(split_list)+"(" + log.units + ")") first_line = '\t'.join(description) fout.write(first_line + "\n") data = [logs[0].depth] + [ for log in logs] data = np.stack(data) for ds in np.nditer(data, flags=['external_loop'], order='F'): line = [str(v) if np.isfinite(v) else "1e30" for v in ds] fout.write("\t".join(line) + "\n") return True except Exception as inst: print(inst.args)