Add Well ======== Adding a new well is acheived by add a :code:`.well` file to :code:`Wellinfo` folder in survey directory(see :doc:`survey`). A minimal :code:`.well` should contain the following information: 1. "well_name" 2. "loc" - X/Y coordination of the well 3. "KB" - kelly bushing elevation 4. "WD" - water depth 5. "TD" - total depth of the wellbore 6. "hdf_file" - storage file path, if only the file name is provided, pyGeoPressure will assume it is in the :code:`Wellinfo` folder. :: { "well_name": "CUG1", "loc": [ 707838, 3274780 ], "KB": 23, "WD": 85, "TD": 5000, "hdf_file": "well_data.h5" } More information can be stored in well information file. Please check out the :code:`CUG1.well` in the example surey.